This lovely family in Westcombe Park, London is looking for a Part-time Nanny to assist them in caring for their two school-aged children. The nanny would be required to take the children to the park, keeping them occupied and cook dinner meals for the children occasionally. During the morning the nanny would be required to get the children dressed and make breakfast for them., Term Time: Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 9:00 am then 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm, approximately 25 hours per week
School Holidays: Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, 50 hours per week
Duties include:
making sure the children are up early from bed
washing and dressing them
preparing healthy breakfast and snacks
feeding them
helping them with homework
arranging age appropriate activities
playing with them
taking them to various playdates
preparing them for bed and reading them stories
The family seek someone who can start immediately.
They prefer someone who could speak the Romanian language. A valid first aid qualification is a requirement for this position.
Contact Detail:
Little Ones (UK) Ltd Recruiting Team