Job Description
Child Protection Conference Chair needed for Medway Council
Salary Up to £52,959
+ £7,000 market premia + £3,000 annual retention payment after 1 years’ service
QA andSafeguarding Service
Child Protection Conferencing Team Manager
To ensure the provision of an efficient service to children and young people in need of protection.
To ensure efficient and effective inter-agency working in respect of the child protection system.
To constructively challenge actions and interventions that are not delivering the required outcomes for children and young people.
To contribute to quality assurance measures and performance management systems to maintain and promote high practice standards.
To chair child protection conferences within statutory timescales, facilitating the full participation of professionals, parents and children and young people, and ensuring the views of children and young people are heard and given due attention.
To actively promote work life balance and flexible working in order to achieve high quality service delivery.
To actively promote the Council's Fair Access, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and observe the standard of conduct which prevents discrimination taking place.
To ensure full compliance with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, the Council's Health and Safety Policy and all locally agreed safe methods of work.
To fully understand and be aware of the commitment to Section 17 of the duty of Crime and Disorder Act 1998 to prevent crime and disorder.
At the discretion of the Head of Service, such other activities as may from time to time may be agreed consistent with the nature of the job described above.
please email your Cv to or call 01772 208964
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Service Care Solutions Recruiting Team